One of the many things they never tell us as Christian singles is our sexual desire, being "horny". Most people do not want to talk about it, perhaps, it's meant to be discussed by the married folks. Some have termed this wrong, profane and unholy but don't we need to start talking about this more than ever?

Being horny simply means being sexually hungry. What do you do when you're hungry? Eat, yeah? But as a Christian single, you can't eat this meal because it is meant for the married folks. God is the chef of this meal, to be consummated in marriage.

In a generation were you have porn all over the internet, it takes the grace of God not to lose your Holy Ghost common sense. Many people think Christian singles do not feel the urge to have sex, many think since the Holy Ghost lives in you, you shouldn't be horny - Leemao
Your hormones do not change when you give your life to Christ, they do not even care if you're in Christ or not - very disrespectful things😒😒
The truth is, you either know how to handle this urge or you don't. As Christians, the Holy Spirit lives in us and self control is  one of his Fruits. At this point, this is where that fruit of the Spirit comes to work. You are able to resist the urge because you know having pre-marital sex isn't what you should do. 

Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Hebrews 13:4 NASB

I can tell you that I'm more horny now as a Christian than I was when I was in the world; it's surprising. But the explanation is this; I could have sex whenever I wanted when I was in the world because I felt that was the right thing but now that I know the "right" thing being in Christ, I have to exercise self control. I dare to speak for the female gender, our ovulation period brings another level of horniness to us, It takes the grace of God to scale through this every month. Sometimes, it's almost like you'd go crazy soon but then, remember "self control".

Another way many think they have this situation under control is by masturbating.
Do not be surprised that many Christian singles are involved in masturbation. Many of them will give you the explanation of; at least, I'm not having sex. 

Disclaimer! Masturbation is as bad as pre-marital sex. 

Your body is God's temple, the Holy Spirit dwells in you, why should you do such to yourself - defiling your body? 

As a masturbation survivor, I will tell you that masturbation kills your spirit; you literally feel useless after masturbating. You don't feel like doing anything, all you just want to do is - sleep. It kills your productivity.
Imagine masturbating countless times in a day, your life will be unproductive because there's this way you feel after masturbating - useless (You may even sleep off after the act 😩😂)
Masturbation won't help you in any way, you're only exposing yourself more to the devil and you're opening yourself up to his lies.
Masturbation will make you feel guilty and filthy, thereby making it difficult for you to fellowship with God. But you know He loves you nonetheless and this is even one of those times you need to cry out for his help .

You have to understand that obeying God should be above the lust of your flesh. As much as God wants you not to give in to your flesh, you also have to be willing to partner with him. The bible is your manual, how you should live your life is written in it.

Know what your brain can take 

For example, I make use of Twitter as much as I can and there was this time that the tweeting/retweeting of porn on the timeline was rampant. I was almost crazy during this period because I know what I can stand, I know what and how much my brain can take. Some will tell you they unfollow these people who tweet/retweet these videos. Well, I block them! If it's a retweet, I block the person that tweeted it and the person who retweeted it; no time for story. Control what you watch, listen and talk about; these things controls your body unknowingly if you aren't careful - you need to be very conscious.

The world does abstinence, some may decide to remain sexually inactive till they're married but abstinence to Christians means something different. As Christians, we understand that pre-marital sex is a NO, we remain pure till we are married and that purity is the basis of our abstinence. It means we understand that sex isn't for us. Don't let us even go into the different harmful things that being sexually active as a Christian single can bring you.

Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

I Corinthians 6:18‭-‬20 NKJV

You're horny? Please, you are absolutely normal, nothing is wrong with you.

On being horny and masturbation, you can have people you are accountable to; it will help a lot.

However, never forget that no matter how much you fall, God is still willing to shower his love upon you; he'd never condemn you. You're just a child who fell. What do you do when you fall? Rise! He expects you to rise and dust yourself - be repentant. 

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Thank you!


  1. Thanks for sharing this, its absolutely wonderful and helpful too

  2. A truly beautiful read, safe to say I'm not the only one feeling this way, God bless you as you have blessed me today

  3. Thank you Folakemi! Absolutely beautiful💜

  4. Great read, thank God it's coming out of hush hush topics. God bless you

  5. A great read ❤️.. God bless you.

  6. This is a very profound one. Thank you for sharing.

  7. Thanks a lot for sharing this. God bless you

  8. Apt in uncovering the silent and never-talked-about struggles of Single Christians!
    Observation very valid👏

  9. I can really relate to this! Thank God for his mercies. Thank you sis

  10. Really impactful, I'm blessed

  11. This is wonderful. God bless you

  12. This is a very beautiful topic. I love the way you write, it precise and concise as well. We need to discuss more about this in the body of Christ to help one another. Thank you so much for writing this, it as bless me

  13. Great gracious christain literature. U shall know the truth...

  14. God bless you for being a yielded vessel that he uses always to bless the lost.

  15. It's funny that I was thinking about this same topic few days ago. In fact, even today. How it is ine topic we should talk about as Christians. I was looking for a platform where I could ask other christian women that 'shey you don't get horny ni?, then I stumbled on this post. The ovulation thing ehn😭 but God is faithful and survivors of serial masturbation who commune with God find it easier to cry out to the father for help when the urge becomes too much.

    I'd like to ask though, what else do you think we can do to curb sexual urge, that is, apart from some of the things you've mentioned. Having accountability partners do not work for everyone, especially ladies, since it's easy to exploit such information. Thanks for sharing 🤗

  16. This has helped me Folakemi 💛


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