Putting God in a box is like setting parameters or building a fence round him. God is unpredictable and incomprehensible. Looking through the scriptures, we can see that the presence of God moved from a one place to the other. From the ark of covenant to living in us by the reason of Jesus did on the cross. Often times, we turn our relationship with God into a routine. Our human mind begins to put God in a box such that we think he can only reach out to us in a particular manner. As much as God is able to do anything and everything, what limits us when we put constraints on our relationship is not His ability but ours. We limit our ability to partner with God, work with him, to see Him do miracles, and to experience how big He really is. Our view on our situation and our perspective of who God is are responsible for how we box him up. The dimension of him that we see in our lives correlates to our view of who God is. When we see Him as the Almighty creator of the universe,...