God's beauty is amazing. His plan to save man is literally the most mind blowing idea that will ever exist. No broom in his hands yet he sweeps us off our feet. The entire salvation plan was beautifully designed by him, making sure that man is exactly where he belongs - with him. Starting from the garden of Eden we can see that despite Adam and Eve's sin against him, he still catered for their needs. After they had sinned against him despite knowing they would, he never changed his initial plan to make us live with him forever. This makes me think that because someone decides to go outside of God's plan doesn't cancel make God cancel his plan. Man was created for God's purpose. However, man fell - which of course God had foreknown. This fall allowed sin to enter into man and automatically into the world, denying man of all God had designed him to be but then, God already had a solution. One of the reasons Adam and Eve was sent out of the garden of Eden was to ena...