God's beauty is amazing. His plan to save man is literally the most mind blowing idea that will ever exist. No broom in his hands yet he sweeps us off our feet. The entire salvation plan was beautifully designed by him, making sure that man is exactly where he belongs - with him. Starting from the garden of Eden we can see that despite Adam and Eve's sin against him, he still catered for their needs. After they had sinned against him despite knowing they would, he never changed his initial plan to make us live with him forever. This makes me think that because someone decides to go outside of God's plan doesn't cancel make God cancel his plan.

Man was created for God's purpose. However, man fell - which of course God had foreknown. This fall allowed sin to enter into man and automatically into the world, denying man of all God had designed him to be but then, God already had a solution. One of the reasons Adam and Eve was sent out of the garden of Eden was to enable the fulfilment of our redemption. I'm currently studying the book of Leviticus, despite the fact that this book of the Bible gives me headache everytime I read it, I have realized that it took different types of offerings to make the Israelites holy before their next sin. Over and over again, the book of Leviticus reminds me to always be thankful for what Christ did; I am grateful that he finished it all on the cross. 

Side joke: In fact, I am most certain that entrepreneurship was a lucrative business in those days. Imagine people patronizing you everyday because they sin everyday. The whole idea of having to give offerings everyday for the atonement of your sins? Whew! That's a whole lot. Many would have gone bankrupt. 

Man has always known to work for things, this can been seen in the old testament. They had to slaughter animals and make offerings upon offerings to be holy and one day, the Holy Spirit appeared to Mary and she became pregnant - birthing Jesus. Although, Jesus performed miracles while on earth but his major reason for being born was for the redemption of our sins. In the old testament, it was required that the animal to be slaughtered for the atonement of sins must be without defect or spot. This was the same with Jesus. He wasn't an ordinary man, he was God in human flesh. 

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.

John 1:1-4 NIV

So, God in human flesh (Jesus) redeemed us by dying on the cross for our sins and later rose up from the dead. 

God's salvation method is simple; believe, that's all. But all in the name of sounding deep, some have overturned everything and now treat salvation outside of God's plan. Many ask why you still have to believe if Jesus already paid it all. See, you could have billions in your bank account and not know about it. It takes you to believe your bank or account manager showing by your bank statement to realize that you truly have a robust amount of money in your account. Therefore, it doesn't matter how much you have, if you don't know what you have, nothing will change. On the other side, being in Christ is like going to a supermarket with a giftcard. You already have everything covered as long as you have access to the card. And the only way you can have access to him is by believing; you cannot work for it. 

Finally, the fall of man wanted to make man what God didn't design him to be. But God’s plan of salvation was carried out through incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection. Our sins are forgiven and we have been redeemed and brought back to God our first love. Now that we are redeemed, God can achieve His goal of entering our spirit to live in us and be expressed through us.

If you are yet to receive the life of Christ and would love to, say with me.

Dear God,

Thank you for loving me, thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins, thank you for giving yourself up for me. Today, I believe that Jesus died and resurrected for my sins that I may be reconciled with you and live freely. Today, I acknowledge that you are Lord over my life; today and forever. Amen!

Welcome Home!


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