As Christians, one of the things we battle with is the "DEVIL'S GUILT TRIP". We allow this boy (Devil) take us on an unnecessary and harmful journey. He is an accuser, believe me when I tell you he's good at it.

What is the Devil's Guilt Trip?
This is an experience whereby the Devil makes you feel guilty about something, especially when such guilt is self-indulgent or unjustified. This is one of the devices of the Devil.

There are several cases of the Devil's Guilt Trip in the scriptures, Adam and Eve were the Devil's first victims. They felt guilty after disobeying God and the Devil made them swim in a pool of self-condemnation. When the Devil guilt trips us, we go into hiding.

Its so sad that we think we can hide from the one who is Omnipresent and Omniscient.

The devil wants you to live in guilt because he wants to destroy you. He wants to steal the life God has given you, he knows once you start to feel guilty, you'd look at yourself as filthy, worthless and not good enough for God.

"The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."

John 10:10 AMPC

The devil wants you to live in guilt but God wants you to seek him even when you know you have wronged him. When you sin against him, all he wants you to do is - confess your sins, be repentant

"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

1 John 1:9 NASB.

Jesus did not die for you to continue to believe the lies of the devil. Please, stop it.

There used to be a time I felt terrible whenever I missed my prayer time with God because I was either busy or something happened. The devil made me feel like the next time I want to spend time with God, he would probably give me some strokes of cane before allowing me have access to him. But when I got the revelation on this device of the devil, it set me free.
Some of my friends wonder why i use foul words with the devil. Well, he once stole my joy and I'd never give him the chance to do that again.

Quick Confession before you leave;

Today, I am guilt free
I shut the devil out
I mute his voice because it is noise to my ears
I do not give in to his devices
I am what God calls me
I am free forever!



  1. Yassssss....were free from guilt, Jesus the lamb of God has paid in full for our sin...🤸🤸🤸

  2. Yassssss....were free from guilt, Jesus the lamb of God has paid in full for our sin...🤸🤸🤸

  3. Thank you for this

    God bless you


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