Amongst the many things that God is, he is also our Father! This is a statement of fact but a lot of people tend to realize this when their father dies or abandons
them. They go "Oh! God is the father of the fatherless." Which of course is true but you don't have to wait for such thing to happen before you come into the realization of the fact that he is our Father. You can be in love with your earthly father, having a good relationship with him and still come into the realization that God is your father; in fact, a greater version of your earthly father.

Jesus made mention of God as his father in the gospels several times. However, to the Jews, this was a new way of addressing God. And it was surprising to the Jewish leaders that a man could stand before them and claim that he was the Son of the Father; quite heretic to them. In the Old Testament, God is sometimes described using qualities of earthly fathers and mothers. Rather, Jesus referred to God using more informal, intimate language. He also invites us into this relationship, teaching us to address God as “our Father in heaven” (Matt 6:9) and It is only through Christ’s work on the Cross that we are adopted into this family relationship (Eph 1:5).

God is indeed the creator of everything and by nature, he isn't our Father but our creator. You don't belong to the God family and don't experience the Fatherhood of God until you believe in the finished works of Christ. We are all created by the creator but we become siblings in Christ when we believe in the finished works of Christ. We relate to God through Jesus, sharing sonship with him through the adoption we received because of the redeeming work of Christ. Because of this redeeming work, we can come boldly into God's presence in prayer as sons and daughters of God (Rom 8:15).

However, people may have a difficult time relating to God as a father. Fatherhood is something we’re all familiar with, and we may project our expectations or experiences of what a father should be, or has been, on our heavenly Father. A child who longs for a dad has a hard time seeing God as capable of filling that role, a child who feels he/she has to succeed in school to earn her father’s approval may see her relationship with God in a similar way. For others, the word father may bring up memories of abuse or neglect. It's so tragic that such a beautiful facet of God’s character — that He is not a distant, impersonal ruler, but a warm and welcoming dad — is often tainted by the weaknesses of human fathers! Some days ago, I was talking to two 8 year olds about God and I asked them to mention the good gestures their parents especially their father show towards them. They couldn't list so much and it got to a point, they began to mention the hurtful things their parents do to them. Whew!

So many individuals are hurt by the presentation of fatherhood so much that it's difficult to see God as indeed a good Father. For example, I have quite a good relationship with my earthly father, therefore, this has enabled me to have an healthy view of the Fatherhood of God. Having a functional relationship with your Father will make you understand his will for your existence on earth. He is the source of life, cutting yourself from him will equal to cutting yourself from life.

God is a good Father notwithstanding the view you have of your earthly father. He is the source of life (In him we live, move and have our being). He is interested in every part of your life even to the things you may count silly. He wants you to talk to him when you're sad or happy. Not like he doesn't know about how you feel but he'd love to talk about it with you. I talk to God about a lot of things, even to boy issues😉

He is patient and forgiving; never holds your sins against you. Your earthly father could be the kind of man who reminds you of your previous offense(s) every time you do something displeasing but God never does such. He addresses you by what he has deposited in you and by what he has called you to be not by your mistakes or shortcomings; he'd never hold a grudge against you.

God never has mood swings or bad days, never too busy or distracted for his children. Therefore, he is always approchable. This may not be new to you, but you don't have to earn God's love. Romans 5:8 tells us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. He saved us from the shackles of death, redeemed and placed us in the hands of the Father. Therefore, while we were unaware of God, he proved his love for us and waited for us to realize it. The most beautiful thing about his love for us is this; nothing can separate us from it. Wow!

Another beautiful thing about God as our father is, he'd allow you make your choices. If you decide to go on a different path from what he has directed you, fine! He'd be there waiting for you because he knows you'd soon realize that the path he led you was what was best for you.

He is also a provider and a giver [What father among you, if his son asks for a loaf of bread, will give him a stone; or if he asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, evil as you are, know how to give good gifts [gifts that are to their advantage] to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask and continue to ask Him!

Luke 11:11‭-‬13 AMPC]

The fear of rejection of may want us lose interest in being intimate with God. Truth is, no matter how great your sin is, God will never reject you nor lose interest in you.
My question goes thus: Has your earthly father helped or hurt you with your view of God as your Father? Which ever way, the trick is this, think of God as an extremely better version of your earthly father. This would work if you put your mind to it.


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