
Showing posts from August, 2020


  Money isn't everything As important as money is and as much as we are aware that it is a means of exchange on earth, we need to guard our heart on how much we engage our mind with it. In fact, money is something we often are worried about. The thoughts of "how much will this cost?", "how much will it yield?" We should be more conscious about our treasures in heaven first, putting material wealth second. It's a hard balance to keep sometimes, especially in this world where it’s easy to turn a creative work into profit but it isn't impossible to do. Struggles will show forth One important thing to note is that in the process, struggles will come, failures may come. But never be afraid to take a risk, because as children of God, you have an edge! - the Gospel edge – which will enable you to respond to problems and failures with uncommon hope and boldness. Self-worth This is often something creatives generally deal with. The feeling of having to deal with ...


  Creativity is an amazing and beautiful part of human. Having the creator include creativity in the makeup of his creation is mind-blowing when you think about it. Although, man's creative ability grew apart from God through perversion that came as a result of sin but the finished works of Christ redeemed man including his creative ability. What Jesus did for our sake made it possible for man to be able re-align himself to what God created him to be. There are quite a number of creatives out there but a Christian creative has to stand out from the world. Majorly because the foundation and the sole influence of our content is Christ. Therefore, when we are able to get an answer for the “why” of creativity selfishly, we get into trouble. But allowing God answer it, puts our creativity in its right place. Christ refashions and reframes all of our existence—including our creativity. As Christian creatives, our creativity unites to the source of superior excellence that we’re seeking i...


Amongst the many things that God is, he is also our Father! This is a statement of fact but a lot of people tend to realize this when their father dies or abandons them. They go "Oh! God is the father of the fatherless." Which of course is true but you don't have to wait for such thing to happen before you come into the realization of the fact that he is our Father. You can be in love with your earthly father, having a good relationship with him and still come into the realization that God is your father; in fact, a greater version of your earthly father. Jesus made mention of God as his father in the gospels several times. However, to the Jews, this was a new way of addressing God. And it was surprising to the Jewish leaders that a man could stand before them and claim that he was the Son of the Father; quite heretic to them. In the Old Testament, God is sometimes described using qualities of earthly fathers and mothers. Rather, Jesus referred to God using more informal,...


I affirm, brethren, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily. 1 Corinthians 15:31 NASB The latter bit of 1 Cor 15:31 states very clearly “.. I die daily ”. The ‘daily’ bit in the sentence brings it all together. It is not suddenly total neither is the process of surrendering immediately absolute. Yet, the ultimate goal is to be completely dead to self and take on all of God. Spirits don’t have bodies, so have absolutely no need to have their bodies and souls serviced by food and pride respectively. While we have bodies, we have limitations unfortunately but seeking to be as close as possible to a position of forgoing all the trappings of the physical body is the aim. It will only be perfected in physical death or transfiguration of man but getting as close as possible to that state is the biggest single secret to walking with God . Stepping out of yourself is hard, awfully hard. At least, initially it is. Keeping quiet when you h...